
留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 8:55:00 PM


I just voiced my view for sharing and consideration; I have fine if it is taken on or not, really.

I would love to join the dinner on 18th Feb., but I have work commitments that I will not be on Hong Kong on the day and I have to pass on it.

I hope I will get to join future gathering and meet up with the Pui Shing folks...


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留言人: 84李潤強
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 7:37:00 PM

Hi bro big noise,


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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 6:51:00 PM

All along, I do not agree it is a good idea to pursue Pui Shing old boys who may have become 名人.

It is hard to define "名人" and every one sees 名人 differently. It may be hard and/or embarrassing for someone to agree to being a 名人, and hence he or she would be relunctant to come forward to take part in and support any activities.

I believe it is good to share experiences and it is a good idea to organize and post articles from Pui Shing old boys who want to share he/her own experiences with others. We can learn from every story; good or bad. It is about sharing and caring and young pupils can draw references from the fore-brothers to help develop they own paths.

The key is, success is multi-facets and one should achieve a life where one can be proud of himself/herself and not having been to a school where there are a few 名人....

When I do get to meet up with Pui Shing old boys, I don't really care if they are sucessful or not. I just find it nice to meet up again with some guys I used to know so many years ago; I enjoy sharing the expereinces between us and I treat them all equally with the same warmth regardless if they are 名人 or not. I do not think I am a 名人, and I sincerely hope that people do not see me any different...

Just a thought ...

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留言人: 84李潤強
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 6:05:00 PM

不知校友會可否與母校聯絡邀請各專才去攪一些講座或活動.我覺得這種直接與在校學生互動溝通播種方法更有威力.就好似音樂會當日學生會的新聞組即時找緊機會與JOEY TANG作15分鐘的錄影訪問.我身為旁觀m感受到這種相近相親的關係.當然我不知到幾時才再會有新的果子開花.但總比連種都不播的好,我的親身體驗就是面皮夠厚.放低成人世界的尊嚴就會有意想不到的收獲.

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留言人: gggggggggggggggggggg
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 4:45:00 PM

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留言人: Wong Kwong Fai(1977)
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/12/2006 3:34:00 PM

For detail of 1977 Lung Heung Wing information
you can check the web. site: hk percussion.com/
course/index php. Mr. Lung is the founder of
the centre.The introduction of instructors
page also have detail of Mr. Lung and his son.

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/9/2006 4:59:00 PM

I just find it somewhat annoying when people are seeking out Pui Shing old boys who are now famous ... deep in my heart, I value the innocence the Pui Shing old boys I used to know and to some degree, the innocence that still exists today after all these years ...

I don't really care if any of the old Pui Shing old boy I know is famous or not, come with a warm heart and I will shake his hand and buy him a drink, any time ...

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留言人: steve(70)
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/9/2006 2:09:00 PM

Big nose
I tend to agree with you on the subject of being famous. Fame is a relative term depending where are or when it is. You could be very famous in your neighbourhood but as soon as you step out of boundary you are just another unknown face in a crowd. So we should be discussing something that is more meaningful than bragging someone who is famous in a narrow circle. One exception to the rule is someone who is famous and was rewarded a Noble price or something closes to that caliber. This a my personal opinion.

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/9/2006 1:08:00 AM

there is always a taller hill than the one you just climbed ... that's all I can say ...

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留言人: Man
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/8/2006 11:36:00 PM

致86 大頭


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留言人: 陳家豪
主題: re:re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/8/2006 10:53:00 PM


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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 2/8/2006 10:46:00 PM


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留言人: 攝影學會
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/11/2004 6:58:00 PM

舊校舍攝影學會曾有一批 60's - 70's 照片,
黃霑亦在照片中, 當年黃霑是聖經科老師 .

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留言人: Luk Ting Kwong
主題: re:re:re:培聖名人
留言日期: 7/18/2004 10:39:00 AM

Dear Boss,

When my friends showing how to search "me" via Baidu (a Chinese search engine), by chance I find this site. I am pleased to know that Pui Shing Alumni has been set up. To my great surprise, I was identified as one of the "名人", which in fact makes me feel shameful.

Anyway, I have lost contact with many buddies in my class. Below is my correspondence address:

Dr. Sherriff Ting-kwong LUK
Director - China MBA Program
Graduate School of Business
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom
E-mail: mssluk@polyu.edu.hk
Tel: 852-27667143

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/13/2003 11:48:00 AM



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留言人: 老細
主題: re:re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/12/2003 1:40:00 PM

學術界名校友, 除中大劉創楚外, 尚有任教城大的李德仁, 理大的陸定光, 還有在台灣陽明大學的鍾國雄教授. 財經界則有做經濟分析的麥力強.


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留言人: 無名
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/11/2003 5:02:00 PM


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留言人: 老細
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/10/2003 9:22:00 AM


培聖名人校友為數應該不少, 但筆者卻認知不多, 望各校友多在此欄介紹, 讓我培聖仔女們也能沾點兒光, 引以為榮, 以下是幾位筆者認知的傑出名校友.

陳茂波校友於七二年中五, 七三年中六畢業於培聖, 繼於中大修讀工商管理學系, 取得BA 及MBA 學位, 其後又考獲執業會計師 CPA 執照, 開設自己的會計師行, 曾任 ACCA 會長, 而現職香港會計師公會副會長等多項公職. 亦是800人選委會成員之一. 其專欄文章「專業天空」逢週三, 四刊登於明報副刊, 文章除透露會計業界之動態外, 亦有勵志作品, 勉勵年輕人踏實求進, 戒浮誇, 以正確工作態度, 戰勝逆境, 更有不少力斥時弊之作.

龍向榮博士, 香港傑出敲擊樂成員, 曾帶領香港敲擊樂團任母校三十及四十週年校慶表演嘉賓, 然筆者卻對龍校友認知不多, 煩請與龍校友熟稔者多加說明,

傳播媒體方面有港台的魏便利, 黃鎮權, 李鑾輝, 有線的謝志峰, 商台的陳壯雄,與及無線體評人鍾志光等校友.,


體育方面有前香港足球代表隊的陳炳安, 陳偉超, 籃球有王銳強等校友.


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留言人: 無名
主題: re:培聖名人
留言日期: 8/8/2003 10:33:00 PM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: 培聖名人
留言日期: 8/7/2003 9:11:00 AM




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