
留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:致﹕各校友們
留言日期: 1/29/2007 8:56:00 PM


In the world of Internet, it is inevitable that unwelcome characters would be found in almost every site and often such unwelcome characters are not easy to get rid of politely.

There are two ways to address this "problem":
1. Only registered and authorized visitors are allowed to post to the web site. If unwelcome characters are identified; he/she would be barred from posting; as simple as that. Teh problem with this solution is that the process would need to be carefully managed; and also it takes up resources - worse of all, it may well create disputes.

2. Ignore posts posted by unwelcome characters; do not respond to any of the posts posted by unwelcome characters. Hopefully; unwelcome characters would become "mo yun" and would "die away".

It is most unfortunate that we have an unwelcome character visting this web site. Despite various friendly and not-so-friendly pleads; the unwelcome character remains "thick-skin" and not prepared to change. We would have thought that this site is intended for old boys and old boys would respect the site appropriately. But I guess life is not perfect and there wil always be someone who would disrupt the peace.

My only concern is, if we continue to have unwelcome characters posting undesirbale comment here, it will slowly but surely destroy the spirit of the site. I have seen this happened to many site and pray to the lord; I hope it doesn't happen here!

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留言人: other points of view
主題: re:致﹕各校友們
留言日期: 1/29/2007 6:15:00 PM

Puishing 1000,

1. what is the problem with 4 responses in 48 hours? How many responses by different people do you think the result will be significant? (hey, guys, Puishing 1000 wants more responses. Come here and do it for him!!)
2.I feel you did blame and insult Chnese people and their Government. I do feel it. Could I express my feeling here? Did you say everybody should have his 言論自由? Even though I do not like you keep blaming and insulting us, you can still keep doing it again and again, am I right?
3. From the above point 2, I cannot see you respect other people at all.
4. China Government: there is only one and only one China in the world which is unique. Many countries, even yours (the USA) government clearly states that they recognize only the China Government which is the on in Mainland China, however Taiwan is part of China. This is the current updated situation.
5. As Big Nose said, why do you still lock your self in a cage? Why don't you think why 大頭 do not want to hear anything more from you? If you do not care the friend of being Puishing fans, why do you keep doing this?

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: 致﹕各校友們
留言日期: 1/29/2007 4:20:00 PM


開欄人﹕Other points of view
更好笑的是,回應,也就是可以把欄目重新置頂的動作,竟然是“大頭”四次,“Other Points of view”五次(開欄的一次不算),老坑一次,“Chinese!!”兩次,“.U.”一次,共十二次!就是說,開欄的和“支持的”已經非常努力,一定要人人看見這欄目了!

首先,付諸投票的命題,已經非常之不準確!什麼叫“。。insulting Chinese and Chinese Government”?“侮辱”是指無中生有的污蔑!我批判共產黨的一切,都有根有據!我叫有異議的人提出疑問和反駁,這是辯論交流的必須過程,這些人卻說,我才不看“你個篇甘既野,我睇都唔想睇。。”請問,看都不看,就要說我是“侮辱”“中國政府”和中國人?到底這些校友安的是什麼心?

還有什麼叫“Chinese Government”?在台灣的中華民國政府是不是中國政府?中國目前是有兩個政府,一個民選政府,一個共產黨政府,不是嗎?把共產黨政府叫成是中國政府,是外國人的叫法,我們自己是中國人哎!明明有兩個政府,叫我們裝糊涂嗎?

這樣不嚴密的命題,這樣近乎污蔑個人的命題,竟然想提出叫校友們表決,還說“I have an idea. If we can bring this kind of constructive discussion/ forum into Puishing to our fellow, it would be very useful for both to their linguistic (either english or chinese) and analytic development!!”大家一定心中都有疑問,到底這位校友要不要先訓練一下,第一,尊重言論自由權利,要自己明白,言論自由就是不能以言論內容限制發言權利這一重要點;第二,尊重個人尊嚴,不要隨便公開羞辱任何一個個人,就算認為對方意見是無稽之談,只要對方是真誠提出觀點,都一定不能發起集體批斗和個人攻擊這樣不尊重個人的行動;第三,也要考量一下自己若果錯誤估計了大眾的意見,隨便挺身攻擊個人的後果,如何解決枉作小人的尷尬問題。尊嚴都不要,以後朋友也不敢信任啊!尊重別人和保護自己一樣很重要,對嗎?何況,校友應該有一份校友情誼吧!


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留言人: Chinese!!!
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/29/2007 2:07:00 PM

Dear "other points of view",
Hi. Thanks for your appreciation on my view.

Actually, I hope "PuiShing1000" can appreciate this kind of knowledge sharing but not shouting on one single view with no point, no focus and no rationale to substantiate on its stand!!

I have an idea. If we can bring this kind of constructive discussion/ forum into Puishing to our fellow, it would be very useful for both to their linguistic (either english or chinese) and analytic development!! Please comment on this direction!!! I understand many "well-known" secondary school and Universities are encouraging this kind of forum (but need to think to eliminate "Puishing1000" first)

For us, we can throw idea into our fellow's discussion to make it fruitful!!!

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留言人: other points of view
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/29/2007 12:48:00 PM

Chinese!!!, Thanks for your response and do understand it is free to write in this forum.

However, I do feel that 'Puishing 1000' does not understand this freedom. He is trying to use here to insult the China people and China government. It is fine for Puishing 1000 to criticize the Government in a way that the government could take his opinions as improvemnet reference. However, I do feel he is trying to insult the Chinese people and their Government without any respect. The most unacceptable part is that he, himself, still keeps claiming that he is also CHINESE!! I really could not figure out why he inisits he did right. And that is why I create this topic and the only purpose is telling him that he is doing a wrong approach which is not acceptable by many of us and he should think it over!

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/29/2007 10:21:00 AM


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留言人: Chinese!!!
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/29/2007 9:26:00 AM

Dear "other points of view",
I understand your concern. Forum is constructive and shall be free to discuss and throwing of different ideas or opinions.

However, getting example of "PuiShing1000", only copying or repeating are helpless and meaningless and he is too stubborn but just shouting for his said "points". I think style of "Puishing1000" shall be prohibited, as constructive discussion shall be precise! to point! with substantiation!!

In order not to sacrifice any constructive idea, I propose the forum shall be maintained but "TRUE NAME" and "YEAR of GRADUTATE" shall be requested, while "Qualification" shall be recommended as to show opinions from different groups of people in the soceity (Puishing). In addition, this restriction may help to eliminate the "shouting" in the forum.

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留言人: other points of view
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/28/2007 11:32:00 PM

Thanks for the response from 老坑 and .U.

Hope to see more feedback from our Puishing Fans!

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留言人: 老坑
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/28/2007 4:21:00 PM

'Puishing 1000 should stop'

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留言人: .U.
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/28/2007 11:04:00 AM

Puishing 1000 should stop blaming and insulting Chinese and China Government

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 6:58:00 PM

真係好難頂,頂哥都頂佢唔順.成日講共產黨,跟住又唔知在那裡copy成大段文章,叫人去睇,真係on 居,人地點批評使鬼佢copy比我睇咩,關我鬼事,佢又在美國19幾年都未返過大陸,又要批評大陸.好討厭呀.

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留言人: other points of view
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 5:21:00 PM

One thing I would like to clarfy:

I just want to know whether Puishing 1000 should stop blaming and insulting Chinese and China Government ONLY...nothing else!

Sorry, if any misleading!

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留言人: other points of view
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 4:49:00 PM

Thanks! 大頭!

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 4:48:00 PM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 4:47:00 PM

'Puishing 1000 should stop'

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留言人: other points of view
主題: Puishing 1000
留言日期: 1/27/2007 4:39:00 PM

I just want to hear our Puishing fans' opinion about Puishing 1000 because he keeps on blaming and insulting Chinese and Chinese Government. Being one of the Chinese, I feel really bad.

he mentioned that many of us have the same opinion about Chinese and its Government. I really doudt.

I hope everyone comes here and gives some response whether Puishing 1000 should stop doing this. Simply reply EITHER 'Puishing 1000 should stop' or ' Puishing 1000 should carry on'.
Your response is appreicated!!

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