
留言人: 黎克
主題: re:re:李培均老師的招積照片
留言日期: 10/30/2005 11:38:00 AM


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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:從老師的舊照片說起
留言日期: 10/30/2005 10:52:00 AM

Miss Chan,
妳的熱心, 使我也去找舊相, 運氣不及妳好. 衹尋回一張. 是梁熾強老師八一年旅遊美加順道探望我和大姐的懷念舊照.

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留言人: CHENG Sum
主題: re:從老師的舊照片說起
留言日期: 10/30/2005 9:32:00 AM

Dear Miss Chan,
It is indeed my intention to share with this community the history of Pui Shing through teachers' pictures. Every time I look at the pictures I remember some happy moments. I wish I can get more pictures of old boys activities up here soon (pressure at work has taken up all my time and energy lately). Hopefully these pictures would make alumni of my year (1970) come out of their hiding places. I can only see Steve here so far. I also hope I get Chinese input device soon so I can get closer to the hearts of tecahers and old boys.
Have fun!
Cheng Sum

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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: 從老師的舊照片說起
留言日期: 10/29/2005 11:46:00 PM

                  Miss Chan

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