
留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/12/2006 3:31:00 PM


Interesting to know that 李寶榮 has returned to Hong Kong, I will certainly see if I can seek him out in Hong Kong ...

yes, 黃炳耀老師 was really some teacher; it is a pity that he left us so soon ... god bless his soul...

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/12/2006 11:34:00 AM

Big Nose 兄:
黃炳耀老師威名, 在此間留言網時有見聞, 校友陳國強描述掟粉擦和他的逃學威龍.
雖未看過此片, 亦勾起我在培聖廁所掟水袋和課室掟粉擦的百厭史. 記憶中還幸當時未被老師找個正著.

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留言人: Big Nose 77
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/10/2006 10:56:00 AM

陳聯新 Si Hing,

No problems, a name is just a name, besides, I can be big noise at times...

Great that you have spoken with 關嘉藝; he also sent me an email...
I am real glad to have made contact with yet another 77 Pui Shing old boy ... I hope we can track down 李寶榮 (for that matter, and other Pui Shing old boys aroudn the world) soon ...

By the way, not sure if it is true, but I learned that 李寶榮's sister is married to Barry Wong Bing Yiu (our Pui Shing teacher)...!

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/10/2006 1:01:00 AM

Big Nose 兄:
不知是否老馮幽你一默? 回覆留言用了Big Noise.我老眼昏花也抄了. 請你原諒!

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/10/2006 12:47:00 AM

Big Noise, 錦禮校友:
剛接獲關嘉藝校友來電, 因218當晚有約於華商會聚餐, 故未能參加我等春節聚會, 亦說回覆了Big Noise兄之電郵. 他聽聞李寶榮在加, 但未有聯系.

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/9/2006 5:05:00 PM

Thanks, I hope you guys can establish contact with more and more Pui Shing old boys...

If and when you do meet up with 關嘉藝; please send my warmest regards; I hope he remembers this old Big Nose...

I also heard that 李寶榮 is also living in Canada, not sure where though. It would be great if you guys can also hook him up.

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留言人: 馮錦禮
主題: re:Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/9/2006 7:16:00 AM

Big Noise 兄,


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留言人: Big Nose to 馮錦禮
主題: Another 77 old boy in TOR
留言日期: 2/9/2006 12:57:00 AM

Dear Michael,

I believe I have tracked down another 1977 中五至班 Pui Shing old boy, who is a business man in Markham, Ontario

Do you mind calling him up and see if he is really who I think he is!? Let me know either way ... thanks...!

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