
留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:論魚骨
留言日期: 3/14/2006 3:53:00 AM



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留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:論魚骨
留言日期: 3/13/2006 2:03:00 AM


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留言人: 黎克
主題: 鯁魚骨論
留言日期: 3/12/2006 11:18:00 PM


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留言人: Mak, Chit-Ah
主題: re:I remember those names
留言日期: 3/11/2006 3:22:00 PM

I have contacted Mr Au Chi (69). He is living in Fremont, CA USA. However, I will send him email
address of this web site and call him when I go home to see my family.

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留言人: Hong
主題: re:i had met benny ngai
留言日期: 3/10/2006 10:35:00 PM


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留言人: leung kui sang gary
主題: re:i had met benny ngai
留言日期: 3/10/2006 6:34:00 AM

Hong, i had met benny in peter leung's(biology teacher) funeral a few years back. In our conversation i found out my son and his are studing the same major at ucdavis. He was working for the sing tao daily chinese newspapers and living in san francisco bay area at that moment. Since than i had emailed and call him many times but got no reponse.
As the matter of fact i had lived in san jose the silicone valley for 11 years before moving to sacramento and not knowing there are alumni living in bay area.
According to carl chan('71) whom i met couple of times living in oakland calif saying that he would be able to host the next reunion. This time i make sure those names will be on the guest list.
You live in the US hong?
good day

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留言人: leung kui sang(gary)
主題: re:I remember those names
留言日期: 3/10/2006 1:39:00 AM

Hong, I had met benny ngai a few years back in peter leung's( the biology teacher) funeral. Finding out our sons were going to ucdavis and having the same major. From our conversation, learning that he had lived in san francisco bay area and working for sing tao daily chinese newspapers at that moment. Since then I had emailed and called him many times but got no response.
Those names the other school fan memtioned had all came to my memroy after years concealing in the cyberspace.
Hey guys I live in sacramento calif, email and call me if possible. Mine is gary leung@dot.ca.gov and the # is 916-227-8106.
Good day

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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/9/2006 7:39:00 PM


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留言人: Hong
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/9/2006 5:56:00 PM

Benny Ngai是否魏便利?

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留言人: Mak, Chit-Ah
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/9/2006 4:58:00 PM

My Family stayed at Fremont, CA. It is south of SF. Please let me know how how to contact Benny
Ngai so that I can contact him when I come back to US.

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留言人: 陳國強 (76-81)
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/5/2006 10:29:00 PM

我記起梁政元(花名:魚骨佬)是妙人一個, 我修文科因而未有機會受粱老師課

但小師弟我在校五年, 從來在週會都是釣魚, 祗有一次, 真的祗有一次, 在週會上全神貫注聽講, 而講者就是梁政元老師

題目是: "一"
將我校最應該趕出校但又無人可以趕他出校的那"一"個,鬧得體無完膚,但又含蓄非常, 會後掌聲如雷, 實是難忘


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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/5/2006 10:20:00 PM

Get it.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/5/2006 9:29:00 PM

這倆位老師的名字讀音頗相似, 根據校刊記截載, 梁政元老師是六九年九月才任教培聖, 而梁校友亦已淤是年七月畢業, 不過也並非沒可能.梁校友如在培聖修讀中六或會受教於梁政元老師.

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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/5/2006 8:58:00 PM


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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/5/2006 8:52:00 PM

Gary, 請不用客氣! 難得你能夠不吝嗇的在這平台告訴我們你的往事和趣聞, 相信這裡許多人都會洗耳恭聽的. 我的英文名字是 Chan Luen Sun, 在我剛瀏覽校友網頁初期也應用南極星, 但覺得三十年來甚少寫中文, 很多字及寫法也交回各中文老師 (中二麥廉老師, 中三黃湛森老師, 中四至中五伍育光老師). 而英文也半桶水, 發覺同竹升沒多大分別. 最後花三十多加元買了部小聽寫手寫板, 重新學字.
我去過三藩市和羅省四次, 除了一次是地震後, Bay Bridge封了作維修, 其他三次我都去行一個大運. 就是駛車順時針方向從三藩市過金門橋,北上, 再經Richmond XX Bridge(記不起橋全名)東至屋崙, 後經Bay Bridge 西回三藩市. 記得好像是91新年, 那年冬天加州很多地方寒凍而令室外水管冰裂, 使旅遊地方公廁缺水而不便. 以你現職剛位, 一定對以上三條橋每一吋地方都僚如指掌吧!
梁靜源老師亦是我的生物老師, 可惜因畫草履蟲作業要花上三次重覆才接受, 因意氣用事而放棄了生物作為會考選科之一.

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留言人: leung kui sang(gary)
主題: reconnect 3 decades later
留言日期: 3/3/2006 7:41:00 AM

First of all, thank for your quick respond Chan Luen Sang(is it how to spell your name in english?) you are the man. Yeah it is me, I was graduated in 69 and matriculated in 70. (Oh, I almost forgot to say this, for everyone who has a glance at this email, pardon me for not using chinese to do so cause I am still learning how to master the nj star chinese software. When the time comes I would be able to handle it in the computer like you guys do.) Back then as like most of the student who passed the CU matriculation exam and was granded a interview without admittance to the CU. Well, is it lucky or unfortunate all depends on what standard we use to measure the HK edu system. During that time, students who want to pursue college edu but was abandoned by the system had only two possibilities to pick, either going to HK Baptist U or oversea college. I ended up in HKBU and it seemed was a second grade college if we compared it with CU. But hey, here is the catch. There I met my beatuiful girl friend(then my wife). Say if I made it into the CU majoring in geography I mostly was a high school teacher right now in HK like some of the people that I know and never thought of studying oversea. After two fantastic years at BU I ended up in California and my girl friend came and joined me years later in the new world. As a foreign student, it was not easy in US at the begining but I managed to made it and got my degree.
You are right Chan Luen Sang, I work for State of California department of Transportation as an engineer, for the last 7 years I took care the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge retrofit project.
Let's go back to my story of how could I reconnect to the school alumni. It was a few years back while my son was admitted to UCDavis and a flash of memory struck my mind that our biology teacher Peter Leung was attenting there as we knew in HK. So after many attempts and phone calls finally he acknowledged me as his student and since his wife and mine became friends. You remember Peter Leung who taught us biology for 4 years and came to USDavis for his master degree. His family lived in Davis which is 30 miles from my town Sacramento, and Sacramento is the captial if California and is 100 mile northeast of San Francisco Bay.
Since then I found and met many school fans in North Cailf as Steve Wong Kwan Toog who lived in Stockton which is 45 miles south from mine, Benny Ngai who lived in San Francisco and Rayman Lee Wai Man(71)who lived in Oakland, Carl and simon Chan brothers and Antony Lee Wai Hung(72) who lives in town as me.
However, after two years of reunion with Peter Leung he passed away of liver surgery complications.
Well, this is long enough I have to let you guys go and remember everyone, the teachers too is welcome to email me in chinses or english. I am gona to say my joke as I promised in my next email

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