
留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 7/11/2006 2:19:00 AM

Tel : (852) 92686308

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/28/2006 4:27:00 PM


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留言人: 李子
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/28/2006 10:41:00 AM

所以咪係呢度尋親囉 (哈哈)

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留言人: 李子
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/28/2006 10:37:00 AM


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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: 趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/28/2006 2:19:00 AM

Tomorrow Night, 趙垣林校長 should arrive at Hong Kong airport.

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留言人: 李潤強
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/23/2006 11:36:00 PM




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留言人: 李子
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/23/2006 10:40:00 AM


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留言人: Ming
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/21/2006 11:24:00 PM


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留言人: 炮泉-
主題: re:人在做 人在看,天在望
留言日期: 6/21/2006 2:01:00 PM

2,用"I thank"來形容我之為人,可見---------?

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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/20/2006 9:46:00 PM


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留言人: 李子
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/19/2006 6:05:00 PM

不要計較以前啦.....好耐都冇見過趙校長, 希望快d見到

(小弟是92-94年的 S.4某人 - 高基會知我係邊位)

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/19/2006 12:38:00 PM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/19/2006 12:33:00 PM


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留言人: 黎克
主題: 人在做 人在看
留言日期: 6/18/2006 6:59:00 PM


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留言人: Thomas Chiu
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/18/2006 6:25:00 PM

Somehow my name has been mispelled in the box of messenger. I am Chiu Woon Lam, also known as Thomas Chiu. I was principal of Pui Shing from 1983 to 2001 with a break of one year when I studied in United Kingdom in 1988-89. Mr. Chen Ming Sun was the Acting Principal during that year.

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留言人: Thomas Chiu
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/18/2006 6:23:00 PM

This should be the previous message. Somehow I clicked re-set and it was gone.

I am now in San Francisco for three days and I have no access to Chinese Words. Using English is the only choice.

All through my years in Pui Shing I was plagued with rumours. I really didn't care about them as long as I am serving my school and students with all my effort and I did the very best thing for them. Now even after I have retired these rumours continue to haunt me. Suffice to say none of these rumours are true.

I retired in 2001 after I reached the age of 60. I retired on September 1. I served the School Management Committee in the most professional way. So I did with the teachers and students. Then the most ridiculous rumour was the financial situation. I had the strongest financial situation during my years as principal. Teachers were never short of money in their budget for teaching needs. I assembled the best resources for the infra-structure of the school. Go and look at the Art Room, teaching resource room, teachers room and ordinary classrooms. I left behind a fortune for the school.

Lastly I never said I would never go back to the new Pui Shing school. Why, it was my baby. I spent so much time and effort in the school. Then why I have not gone back to the school after retirement? I know who spread the ill-intended rumours. Should I scold them when I see them? The answer is no! The school is now under the control of new principals. I have no place there and I should not have any.

One thing I am sure. I have left Pui Shing a much better place. Just as the way I taught my students every year before Picnic Day: don't leave the picnic ground until you make it a cleaner place. My students took away the litter left by the previous users and theirs. I did as I taught, as always.

Pui Shing principal and teachers should pay their full attention to their daily effort to make Pui Shing better instead of gossiping about the figure of a past principal. Let the past be the past.

I am more than happy to see any past students and teachers of Pui Shing. Treat me as any one of you as Pui Shing people. I see Mr. Leung Ching Yuen in LA from time to time when he is in town.

I thank Mr. Leung Yuk Chuen for his kindness. He has great love for his students. He is a great teacher in his own way and right.

I promise to use Chinese next time I leave message here.

I shall be back to HK on Jun 27th and leave for LA on Jul 18th. I shall be happy to see any past students and teachers. But no rumours please. Treat me as your equal. Indeed we are after leaving Pui Shing behind. And I welcome anyone of you connecting with me when you happen to be in LA. Write me an email:thomaschiu@mail.com

I love you all, student and teachers of Pui Shing, past and present.

Thank God for giving me the chance of serving Pui Shing. Someone told me that is even more Christ-like working in Pui Shing than in any other prestigious schools. I agree and you gave me the chance. I left Pui Shing with all the peace of mind. Now I am building my own business in LA or California though slowly. I assure you that I am still doing things with all my sincerity and dedication or foolishness if you like.


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留言人: 炮泉歡迎趙垣林校長回港
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/17/2006 4:44:00 PM


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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/17/2006 4:35:00 PM


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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/17/2006 12:46:00 PM

吳偉聰兄, 趙校長已回覆電郵, 並說這三天內先後有香港, 澳洲和加拿大校友和他聯系上. 他還在羅省遇見我曾為林偉業兄詢問李偉強校友的68校友鄭錦年(Raymond Cheng).
美西校友大可和趙校長聯絡. 他個人電郵地址: thomaschiu@mail.com

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留言人: 李潤強
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/17/2006 11:31:00 AM



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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/16/2006 11:39:00 AM


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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/16/2006 11:08:00 AM

吳偉聰兄, 首先恭祝你和李潤強, 董偉業好兄弟們加入校友會幹事, 使校友會如虎添翼, 相信校友會網頁一定會更多姿多采. 努力加油!
對不起! 這幾天太忙, 今天晚上才有空看校友留言. 我亦已致電郵給趙校長. 看能否與他聯系?

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留言人: 炮泉恭喜你們畢業了
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/16/2006 11:07:00 AM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/16/2006 9:11:00 AM


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留言人: Bus Uncle
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/15/2006 8:32:00 PM

BU 不認識趙校長﹐無論怎樣﹐不適宜在這裡翻舊賬。

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/14/2006 6:30:00 PM


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留言人: 校友
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/14/2006 5:51:00 PM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/14/2006 8:58:00 AM


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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/14/2006 1:03:00 AM


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留言人: 痛心人
主題: re:趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/13/2006 9:03:00 PM


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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: 趙垣林校長回港
留言日期: 6/13/2006 5:37:00 PM


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