
¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/27/2006 2:59:00 AM

the godfather¡M µs ¥Î ¥L ¤H ¨­ ¥÷ ©O ±ø¸o ¯u «Y ¥i ¤j ¥i ¤p ¡M ¤£ ¯à ÀH «K Á¿ ¡C §Ú ¦a ­n ¥ý Ú»Ú» °ö¸t¤H©O ­Ó ¦W «Y ¨p ¤H嘅¡M ¨Ì ¸Ü «Y ªü ¤½ 嘅¡M ¦p ªG «Y ªü ¤½ 嘅¡M ËÝ´NÉN µs ¥Î ¥L ¤H ¨­ ¥÷ ³â ¡M ¦] ¬° §Ú ³£ «Y°ö¸t¤H¡M «Y «} ¡C
¦p ªG §A ¸Ü ¤H ¦a ¥Î ¥ý ¡M §A ´N ­ø¥Î ±o ¡M ³£ Á¿ ±o ­ø¦X ²z ®A¡M ­n ¦X ªk ²z ¡M ¥ý ­n «Y ¤½ ®a ¾÷ ºc µn °O ¡M ¸Ü ¤ñ ¥þ ¥@ ¬É Å¥ ¡M §A «Y ¤Ñ ¤U °ß ¤@ ªº °ö¸t¤H¡M ËÝ²Ä ¤G ­Ó °ö¸t¤H¥Î ¿Ë ©O ­Ó ¦W §A ´N ¥i ¥H §i Ê\¡C §_ «h ¡M §A ÀH®É ·| ¤ñ ¤H §i ¤Ï Âà ÀY®a ¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/27/2006 1:58:00 AM

the godfather¡M ¨ä ¹ê °ö¸t¤H ©O ­Ó ¤½ ¦³ ¦W ¦r ³£ «Y ¥i ¥H ¥Î ¬J¡M ¦ý ¤@ ©w ­n ¥ý ¨p ¦³ ¤Æ ¡M Ä´ ¦p ¤@ ­Ó °ö¸t¤H ¡M ºë ²Ó D´N ¥s ¤@ ­Ó ¤Ï ¦@ °ö¸t¤H ¡M ¦A ­ø«Y ¡M ¤@ ­Ó ¦Ü ¿E ¤Ï ¦@ °ö¸t¤H ³£ ±o 嘅¡C ¥u «Y ¥s °ö¸t¤H ´N ­ø¦h ¦X ¾A 嘞¡M «Y «}¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/27/2006

·Ó §A ËÝÁ¿ ¡M ¤Ñ ¤U ¹ê ¤j ¶Ã ³â ¡C ¦p ªG ¦³ ¤H ¥Î °ö ¸t ®Õ ¤Í ·| °µ µ§ ¦W Á¿ D¦Ü ¿E ¤Ï ¦@ ¨¥ ½× ¡M ­ø³q ®Õ ¤Í ·| ­n ¥Î °ö ¸t ®Õ ¤Í ·| (2)嚟 µo ¨¥ «§¡C ¤S ©Î ¦³ ¤H ¥Î °ö¸t±Ð ­û °µ µ§ ¦W Á¿ D¶À ¦â ¥j ¥J ¡M ¯u ¥¿ °ö¸t±Ð ­û ­n ¥Î °ö¸t±Ð ­û (2)嚟 Á¿ ³¥ ¥H ¥¿ µø Å¥ «§¡C ¬O ¥H »¡ ¸Ü ¥i ¥H ¶Ã Á¿ ¡M µ§ ¦W ­ø ¥i ¥H ¶Ã¥Î ¡M ¤× ¨ä ­Ó D ¶° Åé ¦W ¦r ¡M ¤H ®a ÉN¥s §A ¥N ¨¥ ¡M §A ´N ­ø¥i ¥H ¥Î D¤½ ¦³ ¦W ¦r 嚟µo ªí §A ¨p ¤H ªº ¬F ¨£ ¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: the godfather
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 11:22:00 PM

I sometimes feel a sense betrayal and somewhat angered by some of you stealing another person's psudonym to post your opinion here. What is your integrity or sense of value? If you can not win the debate here go some other place and vent your venom there. We certainly can not afford to have someone trying to disrupt and seriouly damage our blog image.
The basic rule of thumb in posting in any blog is not to confuse the public by using another person's name or pseudonym. You could have used°ö¸t¤Hno.2 as your pseudonym to distinguish you from the original one.Since °ö¸t¤H chooses this as his pseudonym for sometimes now there is no way anyone who is regularly reading this blog can confuse his personal opinion as the official alumni association opinion.

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 3:14:00 PM

¼M¡I§A ¤S ´X ²z©Ê¦P ©M¥­噃¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 3:05:00 PM

¤¤¦@Äx²y¹ï¶i¤J¤Q¤»±j¤£ ¬O ¦@²£ÄÒ¦¨´N¡M ËÝÂI ¸Ñ Last month, Pui Shing teacher and student went to Beijing¤S ¦¨ ¦@²£ÄÒ°ê¡A¤]´N¬O©Ò¿×·s¤¤°ê¡A¬O«Ü§Ö´N·|¹L¥hªº¨Æ±¡¡A¤@¤Á­n­«·s¶}©lªº¡I¦@²£ÄÒªº¤@¤Á¡A±N­n³Q§¹¥þ§_©w¡I§Ú­ÌÁÙ­n¶}®i¡§«á¦@²£¥D¸q¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ­««Ø¡¨ªº¡I

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 2:47:00 PM


Why ³¯®Õ¤Í¬O§Ú­Ìªº¥úºa? I assume §Ú­Ì here means Pui Shing school and/or people who related to Pui Shing. If ³¯®Õ¤Í feels ¥úºa being a Pui Shing old boy, then it makes sense.

Is it just because ³¯®Õ¤Í studied in Pui Shing and therefore his achievements today is really §Ú­Ìªº¥úºa?

Being a Pui Shing old boy myself, I am happy for ³¯®Õ¤Í but I am not ¥úºa about it, and I don't believe I have any reason to be so.

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 1:57:00 PM

µ¥ ¨ì ³â ¡T ¯u «Y ¦n ¤@ ¥y ³½¥Ø²V¯]¡IÂI ¸Ñ ¥u ¦³ §A ¥i ¥H ¥s °µ °ö¸t¤H¡M §A ¥Î °ö¸t¤H­Ó ¦W ¨Ó ¤Ï ¦@ ´N ±o ¡M ¤H ®a ¥Î °ö¸t¤H­Ó ¦W ¨Ó Á¿ D§A ­ø¤¤ ·N Å¥ D»¡ ¸Ü ´N ­ø±o ¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 1:48:00 PM




¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 11:54:00 AM

®¥³ß¤¤°êÄx²y¶¤«e¶i¤Q¤»±j ¡M ¦@²£ÄÒ¦n³¥ ¡C

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 10:43:00 AM



¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: the godfather
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 9:46:00 AM

Tiem and a time I found it very intriguing that we had someone using this platform to belittle other person for no reason at all.Since °ö¸t¤H is a pseudonym and no one here knows his true identity not to mention ³¯­Zªi whom I seriouly doubt that he has time to read this blog is shoe shinning to him is beyond logic. He is just congratulating him for his achievement mainly for the reason he graduated from PS. °ö¸t¤H will not be rewarded by ³¯­Zªi because of his praise for him.Ofall of the posts °ö¸t¤H wrotes I did not find any trace of sycophant from him. Please post with common sense in the future.

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 2:33:00 AM


unless you know ³¯­Zªi and what he has done and does now, I find elements of your last comment deemed inappropriate and somewhat send shivers down my back.

On a separate note, I dislike shoe shining characters and I have little, if any, respect for them.

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H
¥DÃD: re:³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/26/2006 2:00:00 AM




¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M

¯d¨¥¤H: PS
¥DÃD: ³¯­Zªi¥ôªk´©§½·s¥D®u
¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 8/25/2006 5:33:00 PM

(©ú³ø) 08¤ë 25¤é ¬P´Á¤­ 04:25PM

¦^¤W­¶ | ¥D­¶ | ·j´M