
留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:致﹕Reply 培聖人1000
留言日期: 8/28/2006 4:27:00 PM



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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:致﹕Reply 培聖人1000
留言日期: 8/27/2006 10:01:00 PM


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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:致﹕Reply 培聖人1000
留言日期: 8/27/2006 4:26:00 PM


我在我的“建議”堣ㄛO說明了,“密碼由系統分配,不得更改。幹事們除非獲得當事人正式授權,不得透露真實姓名身份。”如何就限制了你的自由了?就算目前也有校友用真名字發言的。更何況,若擔心“幹事”們知道誰是發言人,根本不成立。因為誰都知道,今天負責與程式員聯係的幹事,若要獲知那一段發言來自那個IP地址,也還是很容易的事。甚至可以要程式員提供經常性審視“工具”,隨時可以看見誰在發言。你為什麼喜歡未讀清楚人家的發言就“先聲奪人”出擊,說什麼,“you see sometihng you do not like and so you want to restrict others the freedom of speech?”

你說, “sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt...we all come to this forum to "blow water'; kill some time, share some expereiences, this is not a political, truth seeking forum, or is it? Should we take everything here so seriously?” 哎!言論自由,你想講什麼,用什麼心態,無人反對你!卻不一定要人人跟你一樣吧!?用點心思說話,可以嗎?何況,我只是回應某些校友政治歷史時事評論才參加發言的,你就只看見我發言嚴肅嗎?這又是你無的放矢的又一例子吧!



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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: 致﹕Reply 培聖人1000
留言日期: 8/27/2006 2:05:00 PM

你又一次無的放矢了!請問我是如何“you see sometihng you do not like and so you want to restrict others the freedom of speech?”我如何限制了誰言論自由?我建議校友們發言用真名字注冊登記,因為這基本上是校友和培聖老師學生的園地。既然有人要爭奪“筆名”,或者故意要以相同筆名發言混淆發言者身份,設立實名登記制度,可以令這紛爭消滅,人人發言機會均等,人人仍可以自由言論,有什麼問題呢?(費用是另一個問題,暫且不論)
Big Nose - why would you or anyone propose 用真名字注冊登記? what is the puspose for the proposal? To place restrictions for people visiting and "speaking" at this forum? and this would make it better? I want to come here and speak without having to reveal my identify; why would you take this "freedom" away from me? Just because you "feel" there are comment that is not appropriate?

你又說,“no one can really do you any harm. Don't take life too seriously, relax a little and enjoy more.”請問你從那堿搢ㄖ畬`怕被傷害,太認真,不能鬆馳和享受生活呢?你看見我每次發言都長篇大論,寫論文了嗎?還不就是普通常識隨口說說!你看見我痛罵那一位校友了?倒是有些留言者要把我冠以“反共”之帽子,發言還要帶有個人攻擊性!
Big Nose - sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt...we all come to this forum to "blow water'; kill some time, share some expereiences, this is not a political, truth seeking forum, or is it? Should we take everything here so seriously? If I don't like what I read here, I may respond or I may simply just ignore the comment; and I bleieve that is the name of the game; Internet or in real life. So, if we are to discuss something face to face, and I said something you don't like, you want to ban me from speaking? I still maintain that you take life too seriously; you really should learn how to chill.

Big Nose - are we here to seek agreement, approval or whatever? May be I get it all wrong, I come here to have a laugh; like I did when I was at Pui Shing, having a bit of fun and nonsense at play time...

unless you know 陳茂波 and what he has done and does now, I find elements of your last comment deemed inappropriate and somewhat send shivers down my back.

On a separate note, I dislike shoe shining characters and I have little, if any, respect for them.”
Big Nose - Please refer to the thread of the above message, I have explained why I reponded to your comment. We are here to express whatever we want, and if I see something that doesn't make much sense to me, I have my say, can I not? and if what I said hurt you, then either you are narrow minded or what I said was out of order - in this paricularly example, I do not believe I said something out of order.

Big Nose - Well, I am afriad my Chinese is worse than my English...

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留言人: 小薯仔
主題: re:致﹕大鼻1977 和諸位
留言日期: 8/27/2006 9:07:00 AM



Air Supply - You're My Best Friend

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留言人: 頭 大
主題: re:致﹕大鼻1977 和諸位
留言日期: 8/27/2006 9:04:00 AM

培聖人1000呢 個 名 咪幾 好 囉 ﹐ 有 個 性 又 唔會 混淆視 聽 ﹐ 點 發 表 你 私 人 偉 論 都 冇 問 題 囉 。 真 係 好 過 晒。

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: 致﹕大鼻1977 和諸位
留言日期: 8/27/2006 8:42:00 AM




你又一次無的放矢了!請問我是如何“you see sometihng you do not like and so you want to restrict others the freedom of speech?”我如何限制了誰言論自由?我建議校友們發言用真名字注冊登記,因為這基本上是校友和培聖老師學生的園地。既然有人要爭奪“筆名”,或者故意要以相同筆名發言混淆發言者身份,設立實名登記制度,可以令這紛爭消滅,人人發言機會均等,人人仍可以自由言論,有什麼問題呢?(費用是另一個問題,暫且不論)

你又說,“no one can really do you any harm. Don't take life too seriously, relax a little and enjoy more.”請問你從那堿搢ㄖ畬`怕被傷害,太認真,不能鬆馳和享受生活呢?你看見我每次發言都長篇大論,寫論文了嗎?還不就是普通常識隨口說說!你看見我痛罵那一位校友了?倒是有些留言者要把我冠以“反共”之帽子,發言還要帶有個人攻擊性!


unless you know 陳茂波 and what he has done and does now, I find elements of your last comment deemed inappropriate and somewhat send shivers down my back.

On a separate note, I dislike shoe shining characters and I have little, if any, respect for them.”


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